Ilona Tigges - Götze,
My name is Ilona Tigges - Goetze, was born in 1959, married, live and work in the beautiful Attendorn -. Sauerland / NRW I took 2009 art classes in Berlin and in the USA at Gary & Kathwren Jenkins. Both impressed me in Jenkins Art Studio in Nevada (now Arizona) with their art technology. enabled me to continue my work in the Floral - reinforce abstract and experimental oil painting. Due to my two mentors I received in 2010 in Carson City - Nevada - United States in an extended special training in JENKINS ART STUDIO the MASTER certificate. since I am officially authorized as J-CMT (Jenkins Certified Master Teacher) to give seminars and to teach students in his art! 2012 I started another training in portrait art in California and successfully. I the fun with the best Lehrerinen from California to learn. A special -. Seminar in portrait technique taught me Mary Carole all the basic knowledge in this very special technique , the cumulative knowledge of Mary Carole me and my goals in portrait art further brought a big step, and for me was a long awaited dream come true! Please note: all art is copyright protected and may not be downloaded for any purpose except by permission of the artist. Continued